Thursday, 31 January 2013

Week 4 - Research

As I have been sick for almost a week and a half and not being able to attend to lectures I have been concentrating on the research of what I could do for my show reel.

There are the videos that I have watched so far to get some ideas. (Youtube)

This one has variety of style, not only the own style, it has Disney, looney tunes etc. I like how this person is showing how he/she can animate in a lot of different styles, not only sticking with one style.
Very colourful and fun to watch.

The thing I liked about this one is that this person has the own original style, all in 2D black and white, more like Japanese cartoon style. But I think it would be better if this person could show more varieties of what he/she can do.

This one has a lot of short simple animations, I like how most of the animations are simple walk cycle or facial movements, simple movements such as animal's tail is moving etc.

This video is not a show reel, it's been created from the animator/comedian Tekken. I love his style of drawing since the simple character design can express such a huge amount of emotions, the simple character design can probably express the emotions better than character with too much details.

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