Wednesday 8 May 2013

Final Week - Showreel Complete

I have finally finished editing and rendered my Showreel animation!
It took me while to fiddle around with the editings since I have made a few mistakes on the image sizes. But My tutor has kindly sorted them out so everything is fine now.

My 2D Animation Showreel on YouTube from Here

From this project I have learned that I enjoy 2D animation very much, definitely something that I like to do and something that makes me enjoy animating. 2D work requires a lot of drawings and also staring at the laptop screen for many many hours... but I think these times are definitely worth it for my outcome and also for my future.

I am pretty much happy with my outcome, however my showreel ideas has changed a lot throughout the time. I am glad that I have managed to add more work than I was planning to put in. The only thing I could improve for the next time is to make sure I have set everything in the correct size and format so that I won't need to fix everything up at the very end, also I would definitely draw my animations more clearly, some of my work are quite low on the quality so I will make sure to spend more time on each animations. 

Final Week - Storyboard

 I forgot to post these storyboard when I made them while ago, so here it is. Storyboard for my Fish animation and Girl and Boy animation.

Friday 3 May 2013

Week 12 - Girl and Boy Animatics DONEEEEE

Girl and Boy animation/Animatics DONE I think. I've worked on this for such a long time and I think I am happy to add this to my showreel now... FINALLY!!!

This one was probably one of the most tricky animation that I have ever animated. Both of the characters are anatomically difficult since they are human and I got to get their movement right, otherwise it will look strange.
I was going to make this into a full proper animation but since this work is for the showreel and the whole plan from the proposal was to show how I can create the storyboard, so I have decided to leave it like Animatics. (I guess it's smoother than just animatics? I'd say this is half Animatics.)

From now on I will be working on putting all my works into one video and actually make my showreel.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Week 12 - Flying Animation

Another Experiment, a bird.

Week 12 - Change in Proposal

I have realised that I have not been too good at following my first proposal... which was to create a short storyboard based on fictional stories. I found it very difficult to create a 'short' storyboard based on the fictional stories, I'd rather create a long proper film to tell the whole story but not enough time and I thought it would be better if I just create a couple of short storyboard and animate them, rather than just sticking with one animation/one drawing style.
I also wanted to experiment the animation that I have never animated before, for instance, my previous post of "Hair Animation' was definitely a challenge, but worth  me since I have managed to learn more about it.

For my Showreel I would like to put the basic animations such as walk cycle at first, play each of them for 10 seconds and then at the end I will put my 'Girl and Boy' Animatics/Animation.  By adding them all together I am hoping to achieve around 3 minutes (or more maybe) in total, I would guess this would be an enough time to show my skills.